I was going to write about 'very fun' here - it is a controversial phrase in English to say the least ! I haven't heard it used in about the past 60 years. However, I see this has come up in another topic, where 'very fun' was subsequently to be changed to 'great fun' - this should be done in this lesson as well. The preferred answers should also reflect that 'great fun' is not the same as 'very funny'.
While I am here, 'next week's test' - a student is talking, so the informal « l'interro » is more likely than « l'évaluation » unless a major assessment is proposed. Although the final transcript reasonably uses « le test », the correction board on the way through scrubbed « l'interro » for the more formal « l'évaluation », indicating that as the 'best answer' .
On the next screen « camarade de classe » for 'classmate' (correct) was crossed off for the imprecise and less formal « camarade ». Either should be indicated as being correct.