Bonjour Madame Cécile !
The lesson states that when talking about “time”- ‘avant’ and ‘après’ are used.
Now, if a sentence is ->
1.Mon chien court ______ le petit chat.
I think here, the answer should be “après” (after) because in English too, we say- The cops ran after the thief. But, why is the answer “derrière” ?
2. Regarde le bel oiseau perché ________ cet arbre !
Why is “sur” correct ? I had opted for “dans”. How can we judge the difference between “dans/sur l’arbre” ?
3. On admire les grands palmiers ________ l’île.
Again, here the answer is “sur” ? The other options- “dans/à” are not acceptable. What is the grammatical concept behind this?
Je vous remercierais du fond de mon cœur.
Bonne journée!