List of numbers from 1 to 31 in French

A useful vocabulary list of numbers 1 to 31, to express dates and birthdays in French!

French vocabulary

un one
deux two
trois three
quatre four
cinq five
six six
sept seven
huit eight
neuf nine
dix ten
onze eleven
douze twelve
treize thirteen
quatorze fourteen
quinze fifteen
seize sixteen
dix-sept seventeen
dix-huit eighteen
dix-neuf nineteen
vingt twenty
vingt-et-un twenty-one
vingt-deux twenty-two
vingt-trois twenty-three
vingt-quatre twenty-four
vingt-cinq twenty-five
vingt-six twenty-six
vingt-sept twenty-seven
vingt-huit twenty-eight
vingt-neuf twenty-nine
trente thirty
trente-et-un thirty-one
Let me take a look at that...