Bonjour à tous !
Welcome to our Daily Dose of Positivity!
Today, let's have some fun with board games!
- First, as it's Friday, we'd like to offer a Dictation exercise to everybody, for free. This week, listen to Sylvain talking about his passion for the game Dungeons and Dragons:
(These Dictations, along with our Writing Challenges, are part of our Weekend Workout sent every Friday to our Premium subscribers. If you've never tried one of these, you're in for a treat! You can find more here.)
- And here's a handy French expression for playing board games:
- passer son tour
(to skip one's turn)
Si j'étais toi, je passerais mon tour. If I were you, I'd skip my turn.
- And now for some lockdown fun with these two adorable girls who created a downloadable board game about the coronavirus! Have a read about it in this French article. À vous de jouer !
As a bonus, here is an excerpt linked to our related French lessons:
Ce n'est pas tout à fait un hasard si les deux petites filles se sont intéressées de près à l'épidémie. Car la famille compte plusieurs personnels soignants parmi ses membres.
It's not really a coincidence if the two little girls became very interested in the epidemic. For the family includes several care workers.
Have a playful Friday!
Prenez soin de vous et à demain !