Vive le weekend !
Welcome to our Daily Dose of Positivity!
Today, let's talk about an awesome hobby: les jeux vidéos !
- To start with, read about two friends playing at the arcade in this Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz, while practising the difference between the Adverbial Pronouns y and en :
- On May 22, 1980, one of the most iconic video games characters was born. Read about Pac-Man's creation in this French article:
And as a bonus, here's a sentence from this article linked to our related French lessons:
Du coin de l’œil, un bloc-notes à la main, un ingénieur de la société japonaise observe les adolescents qui découvrent cette nouvelle borne, regardent s’ils s’amusent, et surtout, s’ils réintroduisent régulièrement des pièces dans la machine [...]
From the corner of his eyes, with a notepad in his hands, an engineer from the Japanese company is observing the teenagers who are discovering this new arcade game, checking if they're having fun, and most of all, if they're regularly putting more coins in the machine [...]
Have a playful Saturday!
Prenez soin de vous et à demain !