Another week is starting, the cupboards are sparkling and we've made bread for a month! So today, let's look at ways to keep ourselves entertained!
- To start with, not one but two French expressions about our biggest enemy: boredom!
se tourner les pouces to twiddle one's thumbs
Je ne vais pas me tourner les pouces jusqu'à la semaine prochaine !
I'm not going to twiddle my thumbs until next week!
s'ennuyer comme un rat mort to be bored to death (lit: to be bored like a dead rat)
Ma fille s'ennuie comme un rat mort en ce moment.
My daughter is bored to death at the moment.
- And now for solutions, with the brilliant Swiss stand up Marina Rollman, in this hilarious Bilingual reader where she gives tips to entertain ourselves without screens: