Bon samedi, mes amis !
Welcome to our Daily Dose of Positivity!
Today, let's have some fun with la langue française, and look at funny expressions and tongue twisters!
- We'll start with this romantic Bilingual reader packed with French idioms involving food:
- Et pour le plaisir, here's a selection of my favourite funny French sentences and other virelangues (tongue twisters). Enjoy!
Ton tonton tond ton thon. Your uncle is shearing your tuna.
Vers midi, je verse un ver vert dans mon verre vert en verre ! Around noon, I pour a green worm into my green glass made of glass.
Ce jour-là, nous portions des portions de frites. That day, we were carrying servings of French fries.
Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien. A hunter who knows how to hunt must know how to hunt without his dog.
Les chaussettes de l'Archiduchesse sont-elles sèches ? Oui, archi-sèches ! Are the Archduchess's socks dry? Yes, super dry!
Have a cheeky Saturday!
Prenez soin de vous et à demain !