Coucou tout le monde !
Welcome to our Daily Dose of Positivity!
Today, let's forget ourselves and become someone else! Vive les déguisements !
- And to start with, a quote from French writer François de la Rochefoucauld, to reflect on:
Il n'y a point de déguisement qui puisse longtemps cacher l'amour où il est, ni le feindre où il n'est pas.
(François de la Rochefoucauld) There is no disguise that can long hide love where it is, or feign it where it is not.
(François de la Rochefoucauld)
- Have you heard of this amazing British postman who dresses up every day to cheer up people during the confinement? Read about it in the following French article:
And as a bonus, here's a sentence from this article linked to our related French lessons:
Il connaît très bien les gens qui habitent où il travaille.
He knows the people who live where he works very well.
- And finally, here's our Vocabulary list on Mardi Gras to practice your French "disguises" vocabulary:
Have a fanciful Tuesday!
Prenez soin de vous et à demain !