Un bon mercredi aux grands et aux petits !
Welcome to our Daily Dose of Positivity!
Today, let's thank these everyday heroes, whose job we've never valued more than over the last few weeks: the teachers! Merci du fond du cœur !
- First, a French expression:
- être le chouchou/la chouchoute du/de la prof/maître/maîtresse...
(to be the teacher's pet)
Quand elle était petite, ma sœur était la chouchoute de la maîtresse. When she was little, my sister was the [primary school] teacher's pet.
- Here's a (semi-biographical) thank-you letter to a great teacher :) Practise your French conjugations in
L'Imparfait with this
Fill-in-the-Blanks kwiz:
- Now it's your turn to write about your school days, with a little help from our Vocabulary list:
And to help get you started, here's one of my personal sentences linked to our related French lessons:
Ce que j'aimais le plus à la rentrée, c'était de choisir mes nouveaux stylos.
What I liked the most when going back to school was choosing my new pens.
Have a studious Wednesday!
Prenez soin de vous et à demain !