Et c'est parti pour une nouvelle semaine !
Welcome to our Daily Dose of Positivity!
Today is Monday, and I really need something cute and comforting to start the week, don't you? So let's talk about animals!
- First, let's practise some colloquial French expressions with animals in this lovely Bilingual reading and listening exercise:
- And here is a nice French video about animals running wild in empty cities across the globe.
As a little test, see if you can hear the following
sentences taken from that video:
À Paris, il n'est plus rare d'apercevoir des canards fouler les pavés.
In Paris, it's no longer rare to see ducks walking on the pavement.
Partout dans les villes, la faune refait surface.
Everywhere in cities, wildlife is resurfacing.
Et ça, c'est quelque chose qui est un signe très positif en tout cas pour la nature.
And this is something that's a very positive sign in any case for nature.
Pour les oiseaux, cette accalmie tombe même à point nommé.
For birds, this temporary lull even comes at the perfect time.
Les spécialistes redoutent tout de même une baisse de la vigilance de ces animaux [...]
Specialists are however worried about a reduction of alertness in these animals [...]
And as a "cuteness" bonus today, here's an adorable video of a baby flamingo "finding its feet" :) Enjoy!
Have a sweet Monday!
Prenez soin de vous et à demain !